
Ruins oaf the Ancient City of Pedasa

Not far from Yahşi and Bitez you could find the Ruins of the Ancient city of Pedasa.

In Pedasa lived the ancient Lelegs during the Bronze and Iron Ages. Lelegs considered as a separate nation of the Ancient Carya, they moved here after the Trojan War. The flowering civilization of which fell for the period from 11th to 6th centuries BC.

Today Pedasa’s ruin  occupying an area of about 150 meters, which are fragments of fortress walls and two internal towers. Several dome-shaped tombs have been preserved in the southern part of the hill.

To get to the ancient Pedasa you can only by foot, because there is no any car road. This is an excellent place for walking, small picnics and a good opportunity to enjoy a panoramic view and plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity.
