Bodrum’s project rules 

We appreciate Your interest to our project and also wonder Bodrum’s to be an authoritative and reliable source of information for every traveler. So make sure Your publications meet the requirements below.

Basic principles of publications

⊕ We are welcome for helpful comments under posts and locations.

⊕ We do not appreciate the flood – meaningless reviews, the creation of meaningless posts and comments.

⊕ Unauthorized advertising is prohibited on

⊕ Locations can be posted in two languages or translated on request on a commercial basis.

Basic publishing rules

∅  Locations must be located at the territory of the Republic of Turkey. Specifically – in the city of Bodrum, Muğla province.

∅ Placing completely copied content from other sites is prohibited. The published material should be relevant. Any material published several times is deleted, so place locations only once.

∅  Off-top. When commenting on a publication, stay within the bounds of the formulated text, it brings the greatest benefit to readers seeking information on a particular topic.

∅ The website was created to share information. Advertising on the site is placed on a commercial basis. In the posts and comments prohibited any advertising (blatant, disguised), spam, promotion of something. We reserve the right to delete any URL without giving a reason.

∅ Placement of photographic materials. Photos must be of high quality and not exceed 1 MB. Bodrum’s reserves the right to unilaterally remove any material (links, text, images) that we decide inappropriate.

Placed posts should not contain:

⊗ Материалы, которые являются незаконными, вредными; оскорбляющими нравственность, честь и достоинство, права и охраняемые законом интересы третьих лиц, клеветническими; такими, которые пропагандируют ненависть и/или дискриминацию людей по расовым, этническим, половым, социальным признакам; пропагандируют религиозную, расовую или межнациональную вражду; содержат сцены насилия и т. п.;

⊗ Выдачу себя за другого человека или представителя организации и/или содружества без достаточных на то прав, а также введения в заблуждение относительно свойств и характеристик каких-либо субъектов или объектов;

⊗ Materials that an Individual does not have the right to make available under the law or according to any contractual relationship;

⊗ Personal data of other users;

⊗ Materials relating to any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright and related rights of a third party, without the consent of such third party;

⊗ Inconsistent transmission of records of an advertising, commercial or campaigning nature;

⊗ Материалы, которые содержат компьютерные коды, предназначенные для нарушения, уничтожения или ограничения функциональности любого компьютерного или телекоммуникационного оборудования или программ, для осуществления несанкционированного доступа, а также серийные номера к коммерческим программным продуктам, логины, пароли и другие средства для получения несанкционированного доступа к платным ресурсам в Интернет.


∞ We give violators a warning about the inadmissibility of such actions. In case of ignoring the warning, as well as repeated violations, the Administration blocks the user profile. However, the user can be blocked without warning – most often it concerns flooders, spammers and other provocateurs.